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25 April 2023 - 27 April 2023
Kittilä, Finland
Clusters Meet Regions East and North Finland

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Clusters meet Regions and Matchmaking event “A Sustainable Approach to Raw Materials” 25-27 April 2023 - Kittilä (Finland) onsite

Clusters Meet Regions 

Regional ecosystems and clusters play a pivotal role in developing the EU domestic raw material production. East and North Finland invites European clusters and policymakers will join the event to discuss how to support the development of responsible raw materials production and refining in Europe aiming to demonstrate how clusters contribute by developing inspiring circular economy solutions and digitalisation. The event will provide a platform to continue the dialogue between the EU regions, clusters, and policymakers to find the best available solutions supporting the regions to develop the operational ecosystems for responsible raw material production.

Matchmaking on Circular Economy and Digitalisation enable resource-efficient exploration and refining of raw materials.

The objective of the matchmaking is to strengthen the capacity of the regional ecosystems and clusters to support sustainable and responsible raw material exploration and refining by increasing the industrial collaboration in the EU by bringing together the circular industrial economy and digitalisation-related technology providers and businesses to support the cross-sectorial cooperation, creation of new and improved value chains. 

The matchmaking event is organised in collaboration with MINE.THE.GAP project https://h2020-minethegap.eu/ which is focusing on Circular Economy and Digitalisation to enable resource-efficient exploration and refining of raw materials.

Policy Round Table

The policymakers' roundtable is supported by the S3P Mining Industry and Gobal Value Chains. The policymakers’ event aims to invite the regions rich with the raw-materials to share their experiences and knowledge in tackling the fundamental challenges of establishing and maintaining the mining industries at the regional level. 

The agenda of the event can be found here

Closed since 24 April 2023
Location Hotel Levi Panorama, Tunturitie 205, Kittilä
Organised by